Coomb Briggs Primary Academy joined Wellspring Academy Trust on 1st February 2023 and is proud to be part of a wider community of schools serving local communities and their interests.
Our governing body has three key roles:
- in consultation with the Trust, we decide the vision, ethos and strategic direction of the Academy
- we hold the Headteacher and her senior staff to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, helping to ensure that all of our pupils are given the opportunity to thrive, and
- we oversee the financial performance of the school to ensure that money is well spent.
Details of our current governors are set out below. Our governors have a wide range of background, skills and experience which they bring to the governing body and work closely with the Headteacher and senior leaders, who are responsible for the running of the Academy. The Headteacher is accountable to governors for how she does this and frequently reports and consults with governors about this.
Governors meet several times a year to look at all aspects of the life and work of the school. All of our governors visit the school regularly to ensure that things are working as they should and your child will recognise our governors from school celebrations. In addition, many of the governors are linked with specific aspects of school life and make regular reports to the rest of the governors.
If you are interested in finding out more about becoming a governor, please contact our Governance Professional, Melanie Gibbons, on 07729 105871 or by emailing her at
Our Chair of Governors is Amy Altoft and she can be contacted via the Governance Officer as above or by writing to:
Amy Altoft
℅ Coomb Briggs Primary Academy
Roval Drive
NE Lincolnshire
DN40 2DY
Meet the Governors

Amy Altoft
Chair of Governors
Trust-Appointed Governor
Term of office
28/03/2024 – 28/03/2028
My name is Amy Altoft, I live in North Lincolnshire with my partner and two children who are in secondary school and University.
I have worked in governance for 18 years which is where I found my passion and love for governance and education. I am the Operational Manager for Governor Services in North Lincolnshire and support the team to provide Clerking and Training for governors in our Local Authority.
I was previously a Parent Governor at my son’s infant school and wanted to get back into the role of a governor to use my skills and experience on a local governing body.
I am the Link Governor for Leadership & Management and Behaviour and Attendance.
Fun Fact: My Partner and I have a Harley Davidson and enjoy spending time on it visiting places around the UK.

Andrew Harrison
Vice Chair
Trust-Appointed Governor
Term of office
28/03/2024 – 28/03/2028
I am married to Pam, our son Sam lives in Sheffield, we also have a Jack Russell, Jessie and a Ferret, Daphne. I am an Engineering Services Manager for BOC based in Lincolnshire. My role encompasses; project management and execution, Capex management, engineering standards with best practice, and interfacing with external regulatory bodies e.g. HSE. My interests are; fishing, archery (coaching), running (slowly) and playing the ukulele (badly).
My interest and involvement with schools started when I became a Parent Governor for a Lincolnshire grammar school. I was the Chair of the Finance and Estates Committee for several years before becoming the Chair of the Governing Body for 3 years. I am still a member of this Trust.
I am also a current governor at Springwell Lincolnshire within Wellspring Academy Trust.
At Coomb Briggs, I am a Link Governor for Standards/ Teaching and Learning.

Farhan Ahmed
Trust-Appointed Governor
Term of office
28/03/2024 – 28/03/2028
I am a Senior Academic, with in excess of 20 years’ experience within Education and specifically Higher Education in Lincolnshire. Having held numerous positions in Higher Education, at the University of Lincoln, presently I am Head of School and Dean. My areas of expertise include Aviation, Aviation Safety, and Air transport networks.
I am the Link Governor for Finance for Coomb Briggs.
I am also the Finance Link Governor at Laceyfield Governing Body for Eastfield Infants and Lacey Gardens Junior Academies, Louth, which are also schools within Wellspring Academy trust.
Peter Allison
Parent Governor
Term of office
22/07/2023 – 22/06/2027
I am a Link Governor for Behaviour & Attendance and Standards/Teaching and Learning.

Harriet Holdsworth
Staff Governor
Term of office
01/02/2023 – 01/02/2027
My name is Mrs Holdsworth. I am a staff Governor at Coomb Briggs Primary Academy. I have worked at Coomb Briggs for nearly 10 years. I have 3 boys, 2 dogs, a hamster and 3 chickens. In my spare time I like to go horse riding and to spend time with my family.
I am a Link Governor for Community and Stakeholder Engagement.
Sue Haynes
Staff Governor
Term of office
02/11/2023 – 02/11/2027
My name is Sue Haynes. I have worked at Coomb Briggs for 24 years in various roles around the school. In my spare time I enjoy spending time with my family, going for long walks and spoiling my grandchildren.

Stacey Aisthorpe
Trust-Appointed Governor
Term of office
28/03/2024 – 28/03/2028
I am currently in post as the Legislation Lead at Navigo. My role in Navigo is to be responsible for supporting the development of Safeguarding Adult and Children business processes including governance and audit. I have over 12 years’ experience within Safeguarding and have worked both operationally within the Integrated front door (Children’s Social Care) and for the Safeguarding Adults Team (Focus) and strategically for the North East Lincolnshire Safeguarding Children’s Partnership (formerly LSCB). I have specialist knowledge in relation to Mental Health and a variety of Safeguarding topics covering both Adults and Children, including Domestic Abuse, Substance Misuse and Think Family.
Fun Fact: Over the last year I have become extremely obsessed with gardening!
I am the Link Governor for Safeguarding.
Stella Crookes
Trust-Appointed Governor
Term of Office
20/06/2024 – 20/06/2028
I am the Link Governor For Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.
Steph Holder
Parent Governor
Term of office
20/06/2024 – 20/06/2028
I am the Link Governor for Early Years and a Link Governor for Community and Stakeholder Engagement.

Mark Wilson
CEO Wellspring Academy Trust
Ex-Officio Governor
Trust Representative
CEO and Ex-officio Trustee of Wellspring Academy Trust, National Leader of Education.

Helen Redmond
Ex-Officio governor
I have worked in education for 25 years and have taught in both primary and secondary settings. I joined Coomb Briggs in 2018 as Headteacher. During my early career I gained my SENCO award. In my spare time I enjoy playing the piano and spending time outdoors with my horse and my dog.
Governing Body Meeting Dates 2024/2025
Wednesday 16th October 2024
Thursday 5th December 2024
Thursday 13th February 2025
Thursday 1st May 2025
Thursday 26th June 2025
All meetings will be held at the Academy at 10.00am.
Governing Body Attendance
Notes: Conversion date 1st February 2023
O – attended as pre-appointment observer
Wellspring Governance
Details of the Governance arrangements within Wellspring Academy Trust and the Scheme of Delegation can be found by clicking on the link below.
Wellspring Governance
Wellspring Financial Information
Details of Wellspring Financial Information such as the annual report, annual audited accounts and more can be found by clicking on the link below.
Wellspring Financial Information